John's of 12th Street

John's of 12th Street

(876 ratings)

(876 ratings)

302 E 12th St Go to map
New York, NY 10003
(212) 475-9531
$$ - Italian, Vegan
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(876 ratings)
Summary (Generated by ChatGPT)
    John's of 12th Street is an iconic Italian-American restaurant with a rich history dating back to 1908. Located in the heart of the East Village, this eatery is celebrated for its traditional Italian cuisine and old-school charm. The restaurant offers a menu featuring classic Italian dishes, including pasta, pizza, meatballs, and seafood, all prepared with authentic flavors and high-quality ingredients. The cozy interior, vintage decor, and a menu that pays homage to the restaurant's heritage create a nostalgic and welcoming ambiance for diners seeking a taste of New York's culinary history.
Editor's Notes
  • est. 1908
  • use recipes originating from Italy
  • large candle display in the main dining room burning since 1933 (to celebrate the end of Prohibition)
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